Personal Equipment – Maintenance
Personal Equipment – Maintenance
Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as “PPE”, are clothes designed to protect the wearer from serious workplace hazards. These injuries and illnesses often result from contact with chemicals, radiation, mechanics, or electricity.
Personal protective equipment refers to clothing, helmets, gloves, face shields, goggles, facemasks, and respirators designed to protect and prevent injury or infection.
OSHA places demands on employers to ensure their employees have access to the appropriate personal protective equipment when working. These items are typically seen as hard hats, gloves, goggles, safety shoes and glasses, welding helmets and goggles, face shields, and chemical protection.
Safety Helmet
A hard hat is a type of protective headgear. They are designed to protect the wearer’s head from flying and falling objects, or electrical shock, or both.
Safety helmets are frequently used for protection. They protect the user’s head against impact from objects falling from above by resisting and deflecting blows to the head and other body parts.
Cut resistant gloves
Gloves used in this category should be designed to protect against health risks (e.g., death or irreversible damage). To ensure the protection is sufficient, gloves must be marked with a corresponding pictogram and must be tested by an accredited test institute. These gloves are designed to protect workers from cuts and lacerations while performing a variety of tasks.
Safety spectacles
Safety glasses protect your eyes from particle and chemical dangers while working.
Safety glasses protect your vision from objects, debris, and chemicals. That way, you can always be sure that dangerous items are never near your eyes. In addition, you will still be able to see out of your safety glasses even under various lighting conditions.
Safety mask
These masks work to block particulate inhalation in the instance of wildfire smoke, or dusty projects at home. These masks are different from a respirator, which is designed to prevent the wearer from oncoming contamination.
Protective elbow and knee pad
Ensure you have the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment for your knees to avoid damage. For example, knee pads are essential PPE for those who might be putting pressure on their knees during their work, but many employees neglect them or use the wrong ones without realizing it.
Pads protect against injury and provide a barrier from manual labor where repetition may cause a risk of injuries.
Safety shoe
Countless models of protective boots are designed to protect you while you work and make your day more comfortable.
Suppose a worker is at risk for injury from impacts, punctures or electrical hazards on the job site. In that case, they must wear protective footwear that is OSHA approved and certified to be impact and compression resistant.
Please remember…
Keep your PPE stored in a dry, clean place with the right equipment on hand. Take care of any items you use your equipment with, and follow manufacturer recommendations for replacing parts.
Make sure to store PPE in the appropriate location and to be reused; otherwise, buy the right PPE for your business.
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